Lisa M
Alison James saved the life of my dog, Jojo. Jojo is a 10-year-old, Cavalier King Charles spaniel. After months and months of extensive testing at the University of Minnesota, numerous vets offices, a holistic vet, a dermatologist, an oncologist, an ophthalmologist, you name it, we were still no closer to finding out what was the matter with our boy. He lost all his hair, had a horrible rash, two tumors, and seizures, diagnosed with lymphoma, and was treated with chemo. He was also taking many drugs and as you can imagine, our expenses were in the thousands of dollars! I consulted with Alison who, along with her guides and angels, told me that he had a fungal infection in his brain and gave explicit details as to why she said what she was saying and what tests could be done and the best course of action would be to help him with the guidance of Jojo’s veterinarian as she said she is not a vet and cannot prescribe or diagnose, that it comes from her guides and she does what she does with skill and experience as a Psychic and Pet Interpreter. It was not an easy task, as it involved removing some meds and replacing them with different ones. You can imagine the look I got from the vet! But at this point, we were at a loss as to what else we could do to save him so fortunately they agreed to prescribe the meds. Guess what? After following Alison's advice, his rash went away, his hair grew back, he hasn't had any more seizures or shaking, blood work is fine, and 1 1/2 years later Jojo is still with us! Things aren't perfect, and he still has some issues. But nothing like what we had to endure before we saw Alison. I continue to consult with her and recommend her to everyone I know! I love my Jojo with all my heart and am eternally grateful to Alison. I highly recommend her.

Alison James