By booking you understand, agree, and accept all terms and conditions and are bound by them. Don’t agree, don’t book. Policies do not change for personal circumstances they remain equitable for all. Sales are final, non-transferable, and non-refundable. Readings are provided over the phone. Unless at a venue. Rates are subject to change.
As a courtesy Alison offers a one time discount of any type per lifetime. When you book another discount, you’ll be invoiced the difference for the regular rate. Remuneration
Not an option. Force majeure, appointment will be moved to next available appointment time.
No show
The appointment begins exactly at the reserved time. As a courtesy, the appointment is held for up to ten minutes. When the allotted time has passed the reservation including payment is forfeited.
Timer goes off and appointment is finished. No “free” minutes or auditions. Payment will be due immediately.
Client calls in for appointment
It’s your responsibility to call in at the exact time of appointment in central time to the number provided in the email following confirmation, also located by clicking “Call In number” tab. Disregard anything that says Alison will call you, she will not. Unlisted numbers or blocked number are not accepted. Lost time is forfeited as is any payment for that time.
Use an active and correctly keyed-in email during booking that is where all correspondence lands. Alison James or associates are not held responsible for incorrectly keyed in or inactive email and subsequent missed correspondence or missed appointments.
No speakerphone or car phone
When in use the appointment stops as well as the time until in compliance. Earbuds should be ok. Alison James isn’t responsible for poor sound quality, connectivity, or reception issues during an appointment, or lost time or credit for said time, it’s forfeited. It pulls Alison out of trance when used, over and over again and it’s exhausting for her and affects the reading negatively and she wants the best for you.
Intellectual property
Any information provided by Alison James by any means is considered private and confidential; including appointment shorthand and notes, and if used publicly or produced for money that information garnered from © Alison James is considered plagiarism and will be subject to legal action. This serves as notice.
No recording
Readings are confidential. The device or on-looker functions as a virtual third-party, or eavesdropping on what is a private exchange held in confidentiality that presumably doesn’t go beyond the appointment. Privacy and boundaries are important and respected. No recording at any time as Alison is subject to copyright and information offered is considered the intellectual property of Alison James which includes her personal shorthand and notes.
No guarantees
Alison cannot guarantee outcome as there’s many factors involved and the actions taken as well as free will of all. The information provided is not hers. Its provided by your guides and your higher self.
General disclaimer
These are professional appointments. Intuitive information is not an exact science, do keep your expectations within reason and use common sense. They’re not meant to be used as substitute for advice from your other healthcare professionals. You alone are responsible for your actions and results. Alison James is not a licensed physician or therapist and cannot treat, cure or diagnose any disease.
Mediumship disclaimer
No promises or guarantees are made for spirit communication or that you will receive a message or that the one you hope to present can or will as free will is always part of the equation. Children are prohibited from attending, adult-only Galleries.
Website & print
©Copyright and all rights are reserved and may not be used by any means.