Online Scheduling

Click to schedule

Phone readings

Readings are over the phone and are as effective as face-to-face

60-minute- Psychic– Medium or Medical or Pets and/or Rainbow Bridge $400

30-minute- Psychic or Pet and/or Rainbow Bridge $200

30-minute- New client. Psychic or a Pet $150


Click to schedule, then waitlist

60-minute– PsychicMedium or Medical or Pets and/or Rainbow Bridge $500

30-minutePsychic or Pet and/or Rainbow Bridge $250


No phone readings on event days. See Events in the sidebar.

Call Alison, she’ll answer at the exact time in CST. Call-in number.

No speaker phone or recording. Appointment stops until compliant. Lost time is forfeited.

No show. As a courtesy, an appointment is held up to 2 minutes for 15 minutes and 5 minutes for 30 or 10 minutes for a 60-minute phone reading, past the allotted time, the reservation, including payment, is forfeited.

Overtime. Begins a minute past the end time. 15 minutes $100. 30 minutes $200. Remuneration

By scheduling, you agree and are legally bound to the Terms & Conditions

In person event readings

Please take a look at individual event listings in the sidebar for details. This is your opportunity to meet Alison and experience her style of providing in person.