Hello and thanks for dropping by. Please read FAQ and other pages to be prepared prior to booking your reading. By scheduling you’re agreeing and bound to all Terms & Conditions. All sales are final and non refundable. Readings are scheduled and prepaid securely online.
Phone readings
Are just as effective as in-person. One-on-one with no one else with you, including pets. All from the comfort and privacy of your home or office. Sorry no phone readings on event days. See Events in the sidebar. Alison does not come to you, If it states she comes to you, disregard.
Phone rates
Discounted limited low income and regular rates. One discount of anytype per lifetime. If you’ve used a discount before, you’ll be invoiced the difference at regular rate. Remuneration
60-minutes Psychic– Medium or Medical or Pets and/or Rainbow Bridge $300/$400
30-minutes Psychic or Pet and/or Rainbow Bridge $150/$200
On-call waitlist
Don’t see an opening you need. Let us fix that. Click to schedule and then click waitlist. Add in note section whether its for 60 or 30 minute phone reading. You’ll be contacted ASAP.
60-minutes Psychic– Medium or Medical or Pets and/or Rainbow Bridge $500
30-minutes Psychic or Pet and/or Rainbow Bridge $250
Phone reading details
- Client calls in at exact time CST. Call is answered at the exact time of your appointment. Call-in number.
- No recording or speaker phone. The recording device or on-looker functions as a virtual third-party, or eavesdropping on what is a private exchange held in confidentiality that presumably doesn’t go beyond the appointment. Privacy and boundaries are important and respected. Speaker phone negatively affects the overall quality of the reading. Appointment stops until compliant and time lost is forfeited and any monies paid.
- No show. Appointment begins at exactly reserved time in CST. As a courtesy, appointment is held for ten minutes for 30 or 60 minute phone reading, after allotted time, reservation including payment is forfeited.
- Overtime. 15-minutes $100 or 30-minutes $200. Timer goes off and the appointment is finished. No “free” minutes or auditions. Client is responsible for payment, immediately following appointment. Click overtime and book for any day and it will be manually moved to follow your current appointment.
In-person reading
Events provide the opportunity to meet Alison in-person and experience her work face-to-face in a public venue. Psychic or Pet/s reading. No Medical, Medium, Multiple pets or Rainbow Bridge at events. Mini Aurapalooza you may reserve a 45-minute Medical or multiple pets reading. (Pet/s stay home). Book what you need, if reading goes over, you will be charged. If it states anywhere its by phone, disregard- it’s in person.
Click to schedule