Client call-in number


    • Appointment is in central daylight time. (Minnesota). Time zone converter Call is answered at the exact time of your appointment.
    • Client calls in. Have a strong signal. Unblock your number. Find a quiet private area where there’ll be no disturbances, people or pets.
    • No recording or speaker phone.The recording device or on-looker functions as a virtual third-party, or eavesdropping on what is a private exchange held in confidentiality that presumably doesn’t go beyond the appointment. Privacy and boundaries are important and respected. Speaker phone negatively affects the overall quality of the reading. Appointment stops until compliant and time lost is forfeited and any monies paid.
    • No Show. Appointment begins exactly at the reserved time in CST. As a courtesy, appointment is held for ten minutes. Reservation including payment is forfeited after that.
    • Overtime. 15-minutes $100 or 30-minutes $200. Timer goes off and the appointment is finished. No “free” minutes or auditions. Client is responsible for payment, immediately following appointment. Click overtime and book for any day and it will be manually moved by Alison to follow your current appointment. Remuneration
    • Intellectual property. Any information provided by Alison James by any means is considered private and confidential; including appointment shorthand and notes, and if used publicly or produced for money that information garnered from Alison James is considered plagiarism and will be subject to legal action. This serves as notice.
    • Alison James isn’t responsible for poor sound quality, connectivity, or reception issues during an appointment. Lost time or credit for said time, is forfeited.