No cheating or infidelity questions

Readings are confidential. You can look at the relationship/s and action steps to take for yourself or possible blocks. Alison can certainly read a previous event and pick up residuals and thought-forms with no risk and does so often apply new queries to the aforementioned events.

In regards to cheating, 2nd or 3rd party, questions have them book their own personal appointment. Garnering information for another is equivalent to psychic breaking and entering; moreover, it’s unethical for Alison to spy on someone else’s private life and something she will not do. It also puts her and you in danger of repercussions. Hire a Private Personal Investigator.

Reading for someone besides the client

Minors and vulnerable adult, yes. With that said; if the child is yours, you’ll be a proxy for the minor- minors don’t attend. Vulnerable adults; adult children are a proxy for the parent or other relation. For someone who is not your child or vulnerable adult, have them book their own reading.


Good or confused discarnates, or loved ones in transition seeking closure- no problem. Angels come of their own free will and are not summoned. Nasty discarnate (spirits) or hauntings hire a Paranormal team. More about Exorcism.

Home and business clearings & welcoming good energies

Yes, this is a provided service. Completed over the phone as part or all of a a 1-hour reading. If in question use contact form.

Does Alison provide general readings?

A general reading gives you general answers and leaves it up to the Psychic Medium to control what it is they think you want to know- equivalent to going to the doctor and not giving them any reason why you are there in the first place and it’s your responsibility to be prepared. Alison does not go in cold. You’re hiring a professional with Alison James and nothing about her style is general, she goes for the details and arranges the reading for your best outcome based on time scheduled and topic/s of the reading. Expect a collaborative effort for a unified outcome. How’s a reading work?

Email, Facetime or Zoom readings, or by the minute?

All appointments are provided over the phone or in-person at events (see “Events” in sidebar). There are set options for times to book which include different services. ** Students. *ASC see below ↓


Discounted reading. Only one discount of anytype per lifetime. If you’ve used a discount before you will be invoiced the difference at regular rate. Discounts are offered occasionally on Facebook and Instagram.


Lost and found service

Not a provided service; lost things, people, or pets- deceased or alive. Etc.

No speakerphone or car phone

When in use the appointment stops as well as the time until in compliance. Earbuds generally should be ok. Alison James isn’t responsible for poor sound quality, connectivity, or reception issues during an appointment, or lost time or credit for said time, it’s forfeited. It pulls Alison out of trance when used, over and over again and it’s exhausting for her and wastes time. It affects the reading negatively and she wants the best for you. Please be compliant for best possible outcome for everyone.

No recording

The device or additional person with you functions as a virtual third-party, or eavesdropping on what is a private exchange held in confidentiality that presumably doesn’t go beyond the appointment. Privacy and boundaries are important and respected. No recording at any time as Alison is subject to copyright and information offered is considered the intellectual property of Alison James which includes her personal shorthand and notes.

When’s a good time for a psychic reading?

Psychic readings with Alison are the foundation of every reading and the focus is on this side, verses otherside. You’ve ruled out the  issues with other professionals outside the Intuitive industry and methods or arrived at a dead-end, or things keep repeating and following unwanted patterns. Click Medium, Medical or Pet/s for details on those specialties.

Spirit Guides

Alison works with the good guys and doesn’t specifically go in search of what they look like or what their names are on-demand, if they provide free-will information- she’ll provide it. – It’s better to ask how might I prepare myself for them and learn them.

Lottery numbers?

Games of chance, stocks, and bonds, lottery numbers, hidden items, wills, legal papers, monies, or what the deceased or what others want and need aren’t addressed. Due to ethical, safety, and legal concerns; consult a Lawyer, Broker, or Bookie.

Guarantee outcome of a reading?

Alison cannot guarantee outcome as there’s many factors involved and the actions taken as well as free will of all. The information provided is not hers. Its provided by your guides and your higher self. They are the providers of information and she is the messenger. Think Spiritual Journalist.

Can you guarantee a spirit connection?

There are times, you may hear from an unexpected soul before you are able to connect with the one you hope to hear from which often includes pets. It is imperative to validate these souls and their information to move on in the appointment and connect with the one you want to communicate with. Alison can not, nor can any Medium, make any type of guarantee about who will come to communicate or what type of evidence they will give to identify themselves, or what signs they will provide if any. You must come into the session with an open mind and heart, knowing that the souls who wish to communicate with you are there for an important reason and respect is key. The same as when you call someone, they may answer or not. Free will always apply on this side and the other.

Intellectual property

Any information provided by Alison James by any means is considered private and confidential; including appointment notes, and if used publicly or produced for money that information garnered from ©Alison James is considered plagiarism and will be subject to legal action. This serves as notice.

Exit point

The time of death is unknowable. Alison can provide guidance on what paths to follow for living the good life and what ** markers she sees for the future with possible options for healthy life choices for self, own children, and pets.

Hexes and Spells?

Not a provided service.

“So ancient is the desire of one another which is implanted in us, reuniting our original nature, seeking to make one of two, and to heal the state of humankind”. Plato, Symposium

Spiritualist Church Mediumship messages and healing offerings

** Markers. Snippets of future events.

** Students. They may offer free or deeply discounted reading or one question to hone their skills. Professionals will already have set up their rates and time slots. Generally 30 and 60 minutes. You may also find mini sample readings at events to experience some students and professionals work in-person. Events have a variety of skill sets and experience in the providers. Ask then directly, and, visit their websites to be prepared.

*ASC – Altered State of Consciousness – most often you will have no idea Alison is in this state of being as a Trance Medium, and it’s not safe for her to be abruptly pulled out of trance, downright dangerous actually, the same reason she does not offer Zoom or Skype as she cannot control your personal environment guaranteeing her well being. Technology also factors in as well.