Alana W
It is amazing what Alison can "see" -- such detail! She knew my specific way of getting thru multi-step hectic times of my day, and that it hadn't been enough lately and I'd been forgetting things! Then she told me the subconscious reason for it and what I could do about it. She also knew which part of my 4-trunk huge old maple tree was the most dangerous, confirmed very correct recently when the tree guys took it down. I recommend Alison! Read her website thoroughly first so you understand how it all works and can prepare to have a great, possibly life-changing reading. 🙂
This was mine!
I recently saw photos of the cut-up tree in my fb memories & it was so hollow, it's a miracle it didn't fall on my house. Sad to lose a mature tree but it stressed me out for years. You confirmed it was intuition, not just unnec fear, i finally had it removed, and along with it went the fear & stress i felt every time 50 mph+ winds blew through. I've since planted several smaller trees in my yard, which will do all the good that trees do but never get tall enough to threaten a house or power line. 

Alison James